Rakennusinventoinnissa kerätään perustietoa alueen rakennuskannasta. Inventoinnissa tarkastellaan rakennusten ulkoasua, antikvaarista säilyneisyyttä, edustavuutta kulttuurihistoriallisesta näkökulmasta....
Nuuka open API, which provides energy consumption information for the City of Helsinki’s service properties, is a channel through which the user can search for information about properties owned by the City of...
The data contains information on the extent of HSY’s stormwater sewerage area at property level. The stormwater sewerage area is based on Section 17 a of the Water Services Act. A property located in the stormwater...
Buildings and areas protected by detailed plans in Helsinki. The coordinate system of the dataset is ETRS-GK25. The data can be downloaded in GML, KML, Excel, DWG, DXF, GeoPackage, MapInfo (TAB & MIF) and Esri...
Hankkeessa kokeiltiin kalliolaadun visualisointia maanalaisessa rakentamisessa. Kalliorakennus-hankkeen aikana syntyy lukuisia erilaisia mittauksia ja ne esitetään mittausraportteina, 2D-pohjakuvina,...
CGI:n kokeilussa digitalisoitiin yleiskaavaprosessia, jotta olemassa oleviin kaavatietoihin olisi helppo pääsy ja ne saataisiin tehokkaaseen käyttöön metsäalalla. Tuteutettu KIRA-digi kärkihankkeen osana.
In the article is presented and documented our open GIS data evaluation tool for land use planning, planning cases it has been used in followed by discussion on its future application possibilites.
Valuable environments in the public areas inventoried by the Urban Environment Division the City of Helsinki. These are historically or culturally significant sites or represent the art of urban construction or design...
The Espoo base map, which is the same data that is also used in the up-to-date 3D city model, shows all the important elements of design and construction, such as buildings, transport routes, terrain patterns,...
The 3D urban data model of Espoo covers all types of features included and described in the CityGML standard, with the exception of engineering structures, such as bridges and tunnels. The 3D urban data model of Espoo...
The surveys have collected information from residents on how the city’s services are perceived to be accessible in different parts of the city and how the accessibility of services could be improved, for example, by...
Map data that shows the amount of solar radiant energy calculated on the roofs of buildings in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The solar radiant energy has been modelled on roofs in pixels of 50 cm (kWh/m2/year) with...
The dataset includes the answers to the online survey about the National Urban Park of Helsinki. The online survey, open to all, started in autumn 2017 and was open until 17 December 2017. The responses contain data...
The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki...
You can use the feedback API to retrieve feedback data of the City of Espoo in a uniform format. You can search the API based on, for example, the date, location and keywords. The API data is updated once a day. The...
The dataset includes residents’ views on the future of the City of Vantaa. The data was compiled through an online survey in spring 2017. The survey data covers residents’ wishes for the future and their views on the...
The base map of Helsinki is a large-scale (1:500) map maintained by the Urban Environment Division’s City Survey Services and used as a basis for city planning and civil engineering. The base map serves as a map...
Oulun kaupungin julkiseksi merkityt palautteet seuraavilta palvelualueilta: asuminen ja ympäristö, sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut, päivähoito ja koulutus, kulttuuri, liikunta ja ulkoilu, kiinteistöhoito, ateria- ja...
There are two next generation 3D city models of Helsinki available: a semantic city information model and a visually high-quality reality mesh model. You can view the 3D city model and download its information at...
The data includes current built green roofs, spontaneously created green roofs, and potential green roofs in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The material was produced by first identifying the buildings with more than...