The data present car traffic volumes on Espoo's street and road network in spatial format. This is the average weekday (Mon to Fri) traffic volume (KAVL). It also shows the percentage of the daily traffic volume for...
This dataset provides location data of junctions controlled by traffic lights in the city of Espoo. You can preview the data in the Map Service of Espoo. Coordinate systems: Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879) API...
Data related to Espoo’s nature and environment can be accessed through the city’s WFS and WMS geographic data interfaces. The datasets include nature reserves, traditional landscapes, nature trails and valuable...
This dataset provides the register of public areas in the City of Espoo. It includes information about streets, equipment (e.g. benches and trash cans) and green space areas. The dataset is provided by the Public...
This dataset provides signposts for bicycle and pedestrian traffic in Espoo. The dataset is provided by the Public Works Department of Espoo. Coordinate systems: Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879) API address:...
This dataset provides borders of real estates in Espoo. It is updated on a weekly basis. The dataset is provided by the Public Works Department of Espoo. API addresses: WMS:...
This dataset provides borders and numbers of city blocks in Espoo as areas (polygons). The data includes the number of the city block. The first numbers define the neighbourhood. The dataset is provided by the Public...
The dataset describes the winter maintenance equipment operations of the Espoo Public Works Department in the Espoo street network over the past 36 hours. The measures to be followed are ploughing and anti-skid...
The 3D urban data model of Espoo covers all types of features included and described in the CityGML standard, with the exception of engineering structures, such as bridges and tunnels. The 3D urban data model of Espoo...
This dataset provides the district division of the City of Espoo. The district division has three levels, from smallest to largest (in Finnish): pienalueet, tilastoalueet and suuralueet. Note: does not work when...
City districts of Espoo. Areas are updated annually in a simple format that can be opened with several GIS programs. Areas are digitized with the accuracy of the Guide map and are suitable for presentation on the...
Materials related to Espoo's traffic routes can be accessed through the city's WFS and WMS spatial data interfaces. At the Liikenne -layer, the edges of the streets are visible, while at the GIS: Keskilinjat -layer,...
This dataset provides the plan maps of the City of Espoo. The weekly updated Index Map of detail plans in a simple format that can be opened with several GIS programs. In addition, an Index Map is provided of detail...
The weekly updated accurate water areas in color. Together with wide streams and ditches. Pier structures are visible. The recommended scale is 1:1000-1:10000. Coordinate systems: Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879)...
The weekly updated land-use map describes the land use according to the detail plans. The map is colored. The graphic layer is suitable for presentation in scales 1:1000 to 1:4000. Coordinate systems: Maintained in...
The dataset contains information on the number of cyclists and pedestrians in Espoo. The data is available in two different formats: in CSV tables (Number of cyclists and locations of bicycle counting places) and on...
This dataset provides information on buildings as polygons in Espoo. Weekly updating, position-accurate buildings are available in the WMS and WFS interfaces. In the data available in the WMS interface, the area...