Öppenhet (Fem stjärnor)
Datamängder poängsatta efter kriterierna av Tim Berners-Lees Femstjärnemodellen – öppen licens, öppen tillgänglighet, strukturerade, öppet format, enhets-URI:er, länkning.
Genererat: februari 16, 2025, 00:50 (UTC)
- Medeltal stjärnor: 2.7
- Totalt stjärnor: 641
- Värderade datamängder: 238 / 238
- Fördelning av stäjrnor:
Utan värdering Stjärnor 0 Stjärnor 1 Stjärnor 2 Stjärnor 3 Stjärnor 4 Stjärnor 5 1 23 0 1 213 0 0
Datamängd | Beskrivning | Stjärnor | Reason |
Kaarinan ilmakuva 2007 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Kaarina, Paimio, Lieto ilmakuva 2022 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Koulujen ja päiväkotien saavutettavuusvyöhykkeet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin Paavonpolut | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Palvelut-asiointi-toimijat-tietomalli | 0 | License not open | |
Piikkiön ilmakuva 2008 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Rakennusvalvonnan vastuualueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "JSON" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turku energian ympäristötaideteokset | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun asemakaavoituksen vastuualueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun asukaspysäköintialueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun harjahiekoitetut pyörätiet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun harjasuolatut pyörätiet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 1939 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 1956 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 1958 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 1967 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 1973 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 1986 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 1998 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 2005 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 2010 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 2018 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 2021 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ilmakuva 2022 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan äänestysalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavakartta | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan jätevesien toiminta-alue | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan havupuurivit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan havupuut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan jyrkänteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan kadunnimet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan karttaselitteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan kasviryhmät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan kevyen liikenteen väylät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan kiintopisteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan kivet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan kivien reunat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan korkeuskäyrät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan korkeuskäyrien viettoviivasymbolit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan korkeusluvut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan korkeuspisteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan lehtipuurivit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan lehtipuut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan liikenneväylät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan maa-aineisten ottoalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan maa-aluepisteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan maa-alueviivat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan metsät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan paikannimet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan pensaat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan pensasaidat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan polut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan raideliikenteen rakenteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan raiteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan rummut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan suojeltavat kohteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan suot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan varastoalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan vesistökohteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan katujen keskilinjat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kaupunginosat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kiinteistöt | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan leikkipaikat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan maanalaiset asemakaavat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan maastokartta | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan oppilaaksiottoalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan osoitepisteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan palveluverkon suuralueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan rakennustietoja | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "GeoJSON" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan seurakunnat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan talousvesien toiminta-alue | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan tilastolliset pienalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan vireillä olevat asemakaavat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan vireillä olevat maanalaiset asemakaavat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan yleiskaava | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan ylläpitämät katualueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun polkupyöräparkit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan ylläpitämät varusteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan ylläpitämät viheralueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kansallinen kaupunkipuisto | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kansallisen kaupunkipuiston rajaus | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kartoitusilmakuvaukset | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan katu- ja viheralueiden ylläpitoalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin äänestysaluejako | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=80): Max retrie... | |
Turun kaupungin aluejakoja | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=80): Max retrie... | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan erityisalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan istutusalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan johtoalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan kaavamääräyspisteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan kaavamääräysviivat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan kaavayksiköt | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan korttelit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan liikennealueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan liikennöintikohteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan luokittelemattomat alueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan maa- ja metsätalousalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan maisema-alueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan muut määräysalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan rakennusalat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan suojelualueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan suojelualuemääräykset | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan vesialueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan virkistysalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavan yhteiskäyttöalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan asemakaavat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kalastusalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan erityisrakenteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan hallintoalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan havupuurivit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan havupuut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan ilmaliikennekohteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kantakartan jyrkänteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan karttalehdet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan karttaselitteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan kasviryhmät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan kaukolämpöverkon osat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kantakartan käyttöoikeusyksiköt | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan kevyen liikenteen väylät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kantakartan kiinteistörajat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kantakartan kiinteistöt | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan kiintopisteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kantakartan kivet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan korkeuskäyrät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan korkeuspisteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan lehtipuurivit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan lehtipuut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan liikenneväylät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan luokittelemattomat alueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan maa-aineisten ottoalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan maanalaiset tilat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan maanpäälliset rakenteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kantakartan määräalat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan metsät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kantakartan muu maa-alueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan paikannimet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan pensaat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan pensasaidat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan polut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan portaalit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan pysäkit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan raideliikenteen rakenteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan raiteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kantakartan rajamerkit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan rakennelmat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kantakartan rakennuspaikat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan rakenteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan rummut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan sähköverkon osat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan suojeltavat kohteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan suot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan täytemaat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan tilastolliset alueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan toiminnansuunnittelualueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan varastoalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan vesihuoltoverkon osat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan vesiliikennealueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan vesiliikenteen erityisrakenteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan vesiliikenteen turvalaitteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan vesistökohteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan kantakartan viherkaistat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin katujen kunnossapitorajapinta | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "JSON" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin katujen kunnossapitorajapinta_luonnos | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin katujen puhdistussuunnitelmat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun katulupien vastuualueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kaupunkitietomalli | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin keskustan rekkakieltoalue | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kiinteät julkiset taideteokset | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin korttelijako | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin kulkijalaskentakokeilu | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin kulttuurikohteita | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin liikennemerkit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin nopeusrajoitusalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan nopeusrajoitusalueet sähköpotkulaudoille | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin ostot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin paikkatietoja | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin palauterajapinta | 0 | Content of file appeared to be format "HTML" which receives openness score: 0. | |
Turun kaupungin pienaluetilastoja 2015-2019 | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin pienaluetilastoja | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin pienvaluma-alueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin projekteja ja hankkeita | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin pyöräily | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin pysäköinnin maksuvyöhykkeet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan pysäköintikieltoalueet sähköpotkulaudoille | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin pysäköintipaikat sähköpotkulaudoille | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin pysäköintivirheet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin ruutukaava-alueen geoenergiapotentiaalikartta | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin sopimustietoja | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='eivielatoimi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin tietojärjestelmäluettelo | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='dev.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin turvallisuuskysely | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin väestöennuste | 2 | Content of file appeared to be format "XLSX" which receives openness score: 2. | |
Turun kaupunginvaltuuston kokoukset | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun kaupungin vanhat korttelit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin vanhat kylät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin venesatamat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin ylläpitämä kasvillisuus | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin ylläpitämät koirapuistot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin ylläpitämät tapahtumavarusteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupunki kuuden suurimman kaupungin vertailuissa | None | ||
Turun kaupunkipyörät | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "JSON" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun keskustan miljöötyypitys | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "JSON" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun keskustan palokujanteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun keskustan pyöräliikenteen tavoiteverkosto 2035 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kaupungin kulttuurikuntoilureitit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "KML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun lennokkikuvaukset | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun luonnonsuojelualueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "JSON" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun nimistön aihepiirialueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun Paavonpolut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun kartoitetut puut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun pysäköintiautomaatit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun raitiotiesuunnitelma | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun ja Kaarinan rakennukset | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun Ruissalon vääräväri-ilmakuva 2011 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun ilmakuva 2002 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun ilmakuva 2013 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun ilmakuva 2018 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun ilmakuva 2023 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun ilmanlaatu | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "JSON" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun joukkoliikenne | 0 | Content of file appeared to be format "HTML" which receives openness score: 0. | |
Turun seudun joukkoliikenteen käyttäjämääriä | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun kaupunkipyörät 2018-2021 | 0 | Content of file appeared to be format "HTML" which receives openness score: 0. | |
Turun seudun kuntajako | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun kuntopolut | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun liikennemääriä | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun opaskartta | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun opastetut pyöräreitit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun osoitteet | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... | |
Turun seudun postinumeroalueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun pyöräilyverkoston lähireitit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun pyöräilyverkoston pääreitit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun pyöränhuoltopisteet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun taajama-alueet | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun seudun tapahtumat | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='linkedevents-api.turku.fi', port=4... | |
Turun ulkoliikuntasalit | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun vääräväri-ilmakuva 2003 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun vääräväri-ilmakuva 2005 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Turun vääräväri-ilmakuva 2010 | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Varsinais-Suomen rakennusinventointi | 0 | File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Connection error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.turku.fi', port=443): Max retr... |