Information about plant protection products approved in Finland. The information has been produced in the KemiDigi system. The same information is available at This dataset also includes information...
Codes, or value groups, used in datasets for plant protection products and biocides. The codes are: Signal words, Place of use for the plant protection product, Plant protection product permit type, Mode of action of...
General Finnish Ontology YSO is a trilingual ontology consisting mainly of general concepts. YSO has been founded on the basis of concepts in Finnish cultural sphere. As an indexing tool it is best applicable when...
YSO-paikat on kaksikielinen yleiskäyttöinen paikkakäsitteistö. YSO-paikat sisältää hallinnollisiin ja muihin alueisiin, sekä luonnonmaantieteellisten paikkoihin viittaavia käsitteitä, joita on otettu mukaan...
Metadata thesaurus contains terms and expressions required in describing materials. The thesaurus is also suitable for selecting headings displayed in user interfaces. The thesaurus has been organised according to...
Search for basic details of companies recorded in the Finnish Business Information System at In addition to the Finnish Trade Register, you will also access details of the registers of the Finnish Tax...
Lintuatlaksen tavoitteena on selvittää Suomen pesimälintulajien levinneisyydet sekä tutkia lajien levinneisyyksien muutoksia. Lintulajien esiintymistieto on kerätty 10x10 km2 yhtenäiskoordinaatistoruuduista koko...