Alueiden luokittelu ja tämä aineisto on tuotettu Varsinais-Suomen tuulivoimaselvitys 2010–2011 aikana. Aineisto on siirretty Lounaistiedon dataportaalista.
Tilastokeskuksen julkaisuarkisto sisältää Suomen virallinen tilasto -sarjassa ilmestyneitä tilastojulkaisuja, Tilastokeskuksen muita julkaisuja sekä tilastoihin liittyvää tausta-aineistoa. Vanhin suomenkielinen...
Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja on laaja tilastojen kokoomateos suomalaisista ja suomalaisesta yhteiskunnasta. Vuosikirjassa yhdistyvät uusin tilastotieto ja pitkät aikasarjat yhteiskunnan kehityksestä. Julkaisu...
StatFin on maksuton tietokanta, joka sisältää Suomea koskevaa keskeistä tilastotietoa suomen, ruotsin ja englannin kielellä. Tietotarjontaa laajennetaan kaikilla kolmella kielellä. Tietokannan taulukot on järjestetty...
Nuuka open API, which provides energy consumption information for the City of Helsinki’s service properties, is a channel through which the user can search for information about properties owned by the City of...
District heat production need MW hourly timeseries in Helsinki from 2015 onwards.
The calculation API for the allows you to estimate greenhouse gas emissions caused by daily habits and choices. The interface offers information about housing and energy, transport, food,...
Map data that shows the amount of solar radiant energy calculated on the roofs of buildings in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The solar radiant energy has been modelled on roofs in pixels of 50 cm (kWh/m2/year) with...
The data contains information on the energy consumption, production and greenhouse gas emissions of the Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (HSY) in 2010-2023 as well as similar operations in 2009. The...
The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki...
There are two next generation 3D city models of Helsinki available: a semantic city information model and a visually high-quality reality mesh model. You can view the 3D city model and download its information at...
The dataset includes data collected with an open map-based survey on the acceptability of wind power in Helsinki. The survey was carried out from 15 June to 31 August 2021, and almost 2,500 people responded. The...
Helsinki is on course to meet its target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent by 2020 having already achieved 25 percent reductions since 1990. The city is now preparing to meet its next important...
Suitable areas for solar panels in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The data indicates potential locations for solar panels. The data presents suitable areas for solar panels. A roof section is suitable for solar...
The material describes the heat loss from the roofs of Helsinki. Thermal radiation detected on the roofs of buildings is presented in 30 cm pixels. The roofs of Helsinki were photographed using a thermographic camera...
The data contains the photovoltaic production potential calculated per building, provided that the entire area suitable for solar panels is covered with solar panels. When calculating the annual electricity production...
Upward direct or reflected lighting (nW/cm2/sr) at night in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The images were taken in May 2014. The data was completed in the Decumanus project and it was produced by Eurosense, a...
The City of Helsinki environment report is a joint report by the City Group that describes the implementation of the city's environmental objectives and the impact of its operations on the environment. The information...
The material covers basic data on water utility operations and resulting indicators. The data is submitted annually to the information system of the Finnish Water Utilities Association (FIWA). The material includes...