Registered notifications interface

API Rekisteröidyt ilmoitukset

From the dataset abstract

Search for details of notifications registered at the Finnish Trade Register. You will get details of the date of registration and the subject matter of register entries, as well as basic details of companies. The interface provides details of notifications registered since 7 November 2014.

Please note that details of notifications filed by private traders are not available.

The data are digital and available free of charge. The data are updated once a day. The https protocol is used in the data, and the files are in Javascript Object Notation (JSON) format.

Mention the original source. Services based on the data are not allowed to use the PRH or Finnish Business Information System logos, or in some other manner mix up the services with the PRH’s services by using a similar layout. The data are freely available as set out in the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license

Source: Kaupparekisterin rekisteröidyt ilmoitukset API

Additional Information

API data format: JSON
Does the API require registration?: No