Helsingin kaupunginkirjastossa kirjastokorttiaan käyttäneet

Excel file

From the dataset abstract

Helsinki City Library’s statistics for different years on library card users by gender and age group. The time series starts from 2007.

Users of the library card include customers who, during the year, have:

  1. borrowed or requested library material
  2. logged into their own data on Helmet
  3. logged into digital material services
  4. logged in to client computers. The statistics do not include institutional and personal customers whose data do not include the date of birth or some other information.


  • vuosi / year
  • ikäryhmä / age group
  • sukupuoli / gender
  • määrä / quantity

Source: Helsingin kaupunginkirjastossa kirjastokorttiaan käyttäneet


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Additional information

Format XLS
File size 94500
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 18 February 2013
Metadata last updated 20 April 2024
Created 18 February 2013
SHA256 -