Tutkihankintoja.fi-palvelun data (valtion ja kuntien ostolaskut)


From the dataset abstract

Data from the OpenProcurement.fi service

The data consists of the procurement spend of the Finnish Government and other public organisations. The data includes the Finnish central government’s procurement related invoices from the beginning of 2016. The invoices of the Security Intelligence Service, the Border Guard, the National Police Board, and the Ministry of Defence’s administrative branch are not included in the publication. Other included organisations are at the moment the cities of Helsinki, Vantaa, Järvenpää and Forssa, as well as the University of Tampere and the Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa.

The data consists of the procurement invoices of the accounting units within the Finnish central government’s budget economy. The budget economy is comprised of the state ministries, as well as the agencies and units within the different administrative branches. Additionally, the data includes the procurement invoices of the state’s central purchasing unit, Hansel Ltd. The city of Helsinki's spend is included from the beginning of the year 2018 and is updated monthly. Vantaa's data includes the procurement spend from the years 2016 - 2021 at the moment. Järvenpää's and Forssa's data includes purchases from 2022 - 2023, and for the University of Tampere the years 2021 - 2022 are included. For the Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa the data for 2023 is included.

In the central government's case, included in the data are invoices that have been recorded in the state’s procurement related accounts. The data is transferred to the service before archiving which means that the invoices have already been reviewed and approved. In case the invoice has been amended in the accounting system after the transfer, the amendments are not present in the data. The data for the other organisations is collected mainly from bookkeeping data and includes similarly those transactions that are classified as procurement spend.

In the central government's case, the data is a combination of information from the invoice’s header (e.g., name of buyer, name of supplier, date) and invoice accounting rows (e.g., account, posting amount). Hence, a single row in the data corresponds to the information of a single accounting row of a given invoice. An invoice may consist of multiple accounting rows. If the original invoice included the vendor’s registration number / vat-number, it is included in this data as well. Additionally, to help in analyzing the data, the bookkeeping accounts have been grouped into procurement categories and further into product and service groups.

English translations

The English translations of the names for the procurement units as well as the categories and product/service groups are provided in a separate file.

Fields in the data:

· lasku_id = invoice_id (a unique, invoice level identifier from the invoice handling system)

· hankintayksikko & hankintayksikko_tunnus = procurement_unit_id and procurement_unit (the ids for central government units correspond to those in the Finnish State Treasury’s listing)

· ylaorganisaatio & ylaorganisaatio_tunnus = parent_organization_id and parent_organization (the ids for central government units correspond to those in the Finnish State Treasury’s listing)

· toimittaja_y_tunnus & toimittaja_nimi = supplier_business_id and supplier_name

· tili = account (bookkeeping account)

· hankintakategoria = procurement_category (a categorization of the spend based on bookkeeping accounts)

· tuote_palveluryhma = product_service_group (a more detailed categorization of the spend based on bookkeeping accounts)

· tositepvm = invoice_entry_date

· tiliointisumma = posting_sum

· sektori = sector (central government vs. other public organisations)

Confidential content

Some state purchases are classified confidential by law. Confidential purchases are not included in the data. Additionally, the supplier information in parts of the material has been anonymized based on the Act on Openness of Government Activities. When anonymized, the values of both the supplier name and the supplier number fields are replaced with “Confidential”.

Vendor information is also anonymized when the vendor is a private person. The anonymization is done also, when it not possible to determine whether the vendor is a sole trader or a private person. In these cases, the supplier name and number have been replaced with “Supplier information not public”. Due to technical reasons, it is possible that parts of the data are unnecessarily anonymized.

The data is presented in yearly files, beginning from 2016. The current year’s file if updated roughly every month. The visualized portal OpenProcurement.fi is based on the same data.

  • The state procurement accounts are listed in the final report of the State Procurement Development Project (HANKO) (in Finnish), annex 7, pages 91 -93.

Change Log


· Data and this description text made available in English


· Data updated


· First data set of 2019 invoices published

· Data updated


· Data updated

· Fixed parts of 2018 and 2019 data which were mistakenly duplicated (only a relatively small proportion of data was affected)


· Data updated


· Data updated


· Data updated


· Data updated


· Data updated

· Changed the name of the data set to reflect the updated content (Helsinki and Vantaa also included)

· Deleted the English and Swedish language versions of the data files and instead the translations of procurement unit names and categories are now provided in a separate file


· Data updated

· Switched to using the Avoindata.fi API for file upload

· Update frequency will from now on follow that of OpenProcurement.fi (i.e. on every Monday)

Source: Tutkihankintoja.fi-palvelun data (valtion ja kuntien ostolaskut)



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Additional information

Format TSV
File size 39981884
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 12 February 2024
Metadata last updated 14 October 2024
Created 13 March 2020
SHA256 85d1488f4bdd5fd51db31a60f8674e98c5d3ea3bdf077891e73cff3a528f9f8a