Espoon maanpinta

Download the data in the map service of Espoo

From the dataset abstract

Espoo ground surface dataset depicts the ground surface of Espoo in 2017 and 2013. The data has been collected by laser scanning. The data is a three-dimensional, dot-like dataset depicting the ground.

The ground surface of Espoo is published as LAZ and DWG files by tile. The coordinate reference system of the dataset is ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879) and the vertical coordinate reference system N2000.

Dataset published as open data consists of "Model Key Points", not all of the laser points measured. The point cloud has been rarefied and the tolerance is +/- 5 cm. This leads to resolution of 5-10 cm.


The laser scanning was carried out from 2 to 3 May 2017 and thus describes the ground surface of that moment. The flight height of the scanning was 850 m and the target altitude accuracy of the scanning on hard surfaces was 5 cm. The score density of scanning was approximately 20 pts/m2.


The laser scanning was carried out from 7 to 16 May 2013 and thus describes the ground surface of that moment. The flight height of the scanning was 500 m and the target altitude accuracy of the scanning on hard surfaces was 5 cm. The score density of scanning was approximately 10 pts/m2.

Source: Espoon maanpinta


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Additional information

Format LAZ
Coordinate system ETRS-GK25
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 19 October 2022
Metadata last updated 25 October 2022
Created 19 October 2022
SHA256 -