The Plan units of the city of Helsinki dataset contains information on the plan units of the current detailed plans.
The plan unit is the smallest unit dedicated for a particular purpose in the detailed plan. It structures the detailed plan on the property level. In the dataset, the purpose of use has been reclassified for reasons of data protection. The classification has been made using the same classification as HSY’s SeutuRamava product.
The data is available for download in several formats, including JSON, KML, GIF, Tiff, GeoTiff, JPEG, PNG, CSV, Esri Shape, and XML. Available formats can always be found under OutputFormat in the GetCapabilities query for the service.
Previewing the data in the service:
Coordinate systems:
- Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879), can be projected to other coordinate systems. See GetCapabilities query for other possible coordinate systems
API addresses:
WFS Layers:
Administrator: City of Helsinki, Urban Environment division, Services and permits, City survey services
Attributes of the Kaavayksiköt layer
- id (integer): Dataset ID. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- kaavayksikkotunnus (string): Identifier of the plan unit in JHS format. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- kaavatunnus (string): Identification of the plan of the plan unit. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- kunta (string): Municipal ID. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- sijaintialue (string): Location area number. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- ryhma (string): Group area number. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- yksikko (string): Unit number. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- luokka (string): Validity information (=valid). Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- rakennusoikeus (integer): Amount of building right in the municipal register (m^2). Reliable, comprehensively existing -information.
- kayttotarkoitusluokka (string): Purpose of use data according to the plan unit’s plan, classified by regional classification. The same classification is used in the SeutuRAMAVA product. Note: This is not an official purpose marking of the plan unit. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- AP: single-family houses
- AK: blocks of flats
- Y: public buildings
- K: business and office buildings
- T: industrial and storage buildings
- C: city centre functions
- L1: traffic
- R: holidays and travel
- ET: special purposes
- L: public areas
- V: green areas
- E: special areas
- S: protected areas
- M: agriculture and forestry
- 0: no information
- kayttotarkoitusluokka_koodi (string): Code of the purpose of use category of the plan unit according to the regional classification (see kayttotarkoitusluokka). Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- rekisteriala (decimal): Area data in the register that is generated in the plan calculation. This is not necessarily the correct area of the spatial feature, as the spatial feature may have different dimensions than the register feature. Comprehensively existing information.
- pa_maartapa (string): Method of determining the registered area in the municipal register. Values:
- geodeettinen / geodetical
- digitoitu / digitised
- graafinen / graphical
- muu / other
- pinta-ala muuttunut kiinteistön kautta / area changed through the property
- pinta-alaa ei ole määritetty / area not determined
- osoite (string): Primary address (street name, address number, postal code and city) of the plan unit. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- tonttijakotunnus (string): Identification of the plot subdivision of the plan unit. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
- datanomistaja (string): Owner organisation of the data.
- paivitetty_tietopalveluun (date): Date of update of the data in the information service.
- geom (geometry): Geometry of the feature