Helsingin kaupungin tarkastuslautakunnan arviointikertomuksissa esitetyt suositukset

Excel file

From the dataset abstract

According to the Local Government Act, the Audit Committee is responsible for assessing whether the operating and financial targets set by the local council have been achieved. The committee reports its findings to the Council in an annual assessment report, in which the committee makes recommendations related to the findings.

The dataset contains all the recommendations made by the Audit Committee in the assessment reports since 1997. The dataset includes the year in which the recommendation was published in the assessment report, the subject for assessment that the recommendation was related to and, since 2005, the City Board’s reports to the City Council on the measures the persons responsible for the operations and those accountable have taken due to the assessment report.

The recommendations contained in the dataset have been published in the committee’s assessment reports, which are available in full at tarkastusvirasto.hel.fi/en.

Source: Helsingin kaupungin tarkastuslautakunnan arviointikertomuksissa esitetyt suositukset


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Additional information

Format XLS
File size 831000
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 12 March 2014
Metadata last updated 14 September 2024
Created 12 March 2014
SHA256 -