Concerts of Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra 1882-

Concerts performed and organised by Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra (HPO) and the works performed since 1882. The dataset is updated twice a year. In connection with the update, changes and additions to the historical data may also occur.

The name of the orchestra has been

  • Helsingin Orkesteriyhdistys 1882-1894
  • Helsingin Filharmoninen Seura 1894-1914
  • Helsingin kaupunginorkesteri (Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra) 1914-

The dataset contains the following information

  • Konsertti-id / Concert ID
  • Konsertin päivämäärä ja kellonaika / Concert date and time
  • Teosten esitysjärjestys konsertissa / Order of performance of the works in the concert
  • Kapellimestarin nimi / Name of the conductor
  • Säveltäjän nimi / Name of the composer
  • Teoksen nimi / Name of the work
  • Teoksen id / Work ID
  • Sovittajan nimi / Name of the arranger
  • Orkesterin / yhtyeen nimi / Name of the orchestra/group
  • Solisti(e)n nimi ja instrumentti / Name and instrument of the soloist(s)
  • Konsertin nimike / Title of the concert
  • Konserttipaikka / Concert venue
  • Tietoa konsertista / Information about the concert
  • Lisätietoa / More information

More information, includes the following

  • Ohjelma arkistossa = ohjelma HKO:n arkistossa (20 vuotta vanhemmat ohjelmat ovat Kaupunginarkistossa) / Programme in the archive = programme in the HPO archive (programmes older than 20 years are in the City Archives)
  • Ohjelma puuttuu = ohjelmaa ei ole HKO:lla / Programme missing = HPO does not have the programme
  • Source information and other descriptive information about the concert

Data resources

Additional Info

Collection Open Data
Maintainer Helsingin kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala
Maintainer email
Maintainer website
Links to additional information
Geographical coverage
Update frequency
Last modified 11.03.2025
Show change log
Created on 25.06.2013