Pääkaupunkiseudun tonttivaranto kortteleittain (SeutuRAMAVA)

SeutuRAMAVA 2/2023 (shp)

From the dataset abstract

The dataset contains information on valid city plans in the Helsinki metropolitan area (Espoo, Helsinki, Kauniainen, Vantaa) in floor square metres, summed up at the block level (SeutuRAMAVA by block). The data includes areal geometries formed from the plan units valid in the Helsinki metropolitan area based on the block identifier.

Attribute data

  • kunta = municipality code
  • korttunnus = formed by combining municipality code + district identifier + base identifier
  • kosa = district identifier
  • ktun = base identifier
  • kala = permitted building volume, floor area entered in the municipal register. Does not include any additional building rights included in the planning regulations.
  • karayht = total floor area in use (including floor area under construction)
  • karaas = residential floor area in use (including floor area under construction)
  • karamu = non-residential floor area in use (including floor area under construction)
  • laskvar_ak = calculated apartment house reserve
  • laskvar_ap = calculated detached house reserve
  • laskvar_k = calculated business and office space reserve
  • laskvar_t = calculated industrial and storage space reserve
  • laskvar_y = calculated public construction reserve
  • laskvar_nn = calculated reserve for uses other than those mentioned above
  • laskvar_yh = total calculated reserve
  • rakeraas = residential floor area under construction
  • rakeramu = non-residential floor area under construction
  • rakerayht = total floor area under construction
  • rekpvm = date of register situation, time of cross-section

The dataset presents only blocks with floor area (kala) based on the SeutuRAMAVA material. The indicators are consistent with the SeutuRAMAVA dataset.

The dataset is produced twice a year on the basis of the figures in the SeutuRAMAVA dataset at the plan unit level. The coordinate system of the dataset is ETRS-GK25.

The reserve figure is produced by subtracting the floor area in use from the building right. The calculated reserve includes interpretation. If a unit has less than 100 floor square metres of apartment building, detached house or NN (laskvar_nn) reserves, the unit is considered to have no unused building rights, i.e. no reserve left at all. If a unit has less than 400 floor square metres of business and office space, industrial and storage space, or public construction reserves, the unit is considered to have no unused building rights, i.e. no reserve left at all.

In addition, when the rate of construction of a plan unit is less than 20%, the remaining building right of the unit is calculated to be equal to the floor area allocated to the unit in the plan (floor area in use is interpreted as demolition). The rules for the interpretation of the calculated reserve have been agreed between HSY and the municipalities of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

The source reference of the material can be presented in the format © HSY and municipalities of the Helsinki metropolitan area 20xx.

Source: Pääkaupunkiseudun tonttivaranto kortteleittain (SeutuRAMAVA)


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Additional information

Format SHP
Coordinate system ETRS-GK25
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 19 December 2023
Metadata last updated 24 May 2024
Created 19 December 2023
SHA256 -