Kodin vaarallisen jätteen keräyspisteet pääkaupunkiseudulla

WMS interface

From the dataset abstract

Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY) collects hazardous waste in Espoo, Helsinki, Kirkkonummi and Vantaa. The material includes hazardous waste collection points. Hazardous waste from households is accepted at all collection points and from companies at Kivikko Sortti Station. Detailed information on the waste to be received, prices, etc., can be found on HSY's website.

Source: Kodin vaarallisen jätteen keräyspisteet pääkaupunkiseudulla



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Additional information

Format WMS
Coordinate system ETRS-GK25
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 9 May 2022
Metadata last updated 6 April 2024
Created 9 May 2022
SHA256 -