Vantaan kaupunginkirjaston kävijät

Excel file

From the dataset abstract

The statistics include the number of customers who have physically visited the locations of Vantaa City Library by location and month since January 2007. The visitor data is collected using the counters on the alarm gates. In the smallest libraries, where there are no alarm gates, a manual visitor count is performed once a month, based on which the total number of visitors for the whole month is estimated.


  • toimipaikka / location
  • osasto / department
  • vuosi / year
  • kuukausi / month
  • kävijöitä / visitors
  • huomautus / note

Key to the entries in the huomautus field:

  • arvio = data not available, data is an estimate based on data from the previous year
  • arvio, otanta = an estimate based on a monthly manual visitor count
  • suljettu, kesä = the library was closed in the middle of the summer
  • suljettu, remontti/pandemia/... = the library was closed due to renovation, the pandemic or other reasons
  • osin suljettu, remontti/pandemia/... = the library was closed for part of the month due to renovation, the pandemic or other -reasons
  • rajoitetut palvelut, pandemia/... = the library’s services were restricted due to the pandemic or other reasons
  • uusi kirjasto, avattu... = a new library location was established and opened
  • lakkautettu = the library’s operations have ceased

The Mikkola Library was closed on 1 June 2013, and the patient library at Katriina Hospital was closed on 10 September 2014. Because of renovations or indoor air problems, the Pänkinärinne library was closed almost the whole of 2016 and the whole of 2017. The Sotunki Library operated throughout 2016.

Source: Vantaan kaupunginkirjaston kävijät


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Additional information

Format XLSX
File size 53600
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 26 February 2014
Metadata last updated 17 May 2024
Created 26 February 2014
SHA256 -