Vantaan yleiskaavojen yhdistelmä


From the dataset abstract

A general plan guides the urban structure, land use and transport network of a city. It sets aside areas for housing, jobs, transport, nature conservation and recreation. Typical issues to be addressed in the general plan include urban growth trends, new main public transport links, nature conservation areas and the location of specific activities such as depots. The preparation of the general plan is guided by the regional plan adopted by the Uusimaa Regional Council. The general plan, in turn, guides the preparation of more detailed town and country plans and other land use plans. The general plan is presented on a map, and includes a set of plan indications and provisions, as well as a plan commentary.


Vantaa has two general plans in force: the 2007 general plan and the 2020 general plan. The new 2020 general plan, which entered into force on 11 January 2023, covers almost the entire city, except for Länsisalmi, which is excluded from the plan, and two zoning designations that were annulled by the Helsinki Administrative Court. The content of the maps of the existing plans has been imported into the map service as a combination of the two plans. In addition, the legally binding annex maps of the General Plan 2020 are available as separate layers in the menu tree. By clicking on the items on the map, information on the label and the plan will be displayed on the map.

General plan 2020 (entered into force by publication on 11.1.2023)

The general plan 2020 consists of three legal maps with provisions: a plan map and two annex maps Legal Annex Map 1: Valuable Cultural Environment and Legal Annex Map 2: Areas of High Importance for Biodiversity (Natura sites). The two legal maps are on separate layers in the same plane tree. The full text of the plan is available at website.

General plan 2007 (entered into force by notices of 25 February 2009, 3 June 2009 and 13 January 2010)

The 2007 general plan is in force in Länsisalmi, east of Ring III and south of Porvoonväylä. The area was not included in the approved general plan 2020. In addition, the Administrative Court annulled two areas of the 2020 general plan and part of the provision on the commercial area (KM). In the following areas, the 2007 general plan remains partially in force:

In Hakkila, the partially repealed general plan 2020 residential area will remain an "industrial area with special environmental quality requirements (TY)" of the general plan 2007. In addition, the "groundwater area" and "power line" of the general plan 2020 will also apply to the area.

In the nature protection area of the repealed general plan 2020 for the area of Myllykyläntie 4-8, the general plan 2007 'Area of industrial activities with significant environmental impact (TT)', 'Industrial area with special environmental quality requirements (TY)' and 'Road traffic area (L)' will remain in force. In addition, the general plan 2020 'Aircraft noise zone 2 (LDEN 55-60 dB)' and 'Indicative outdoor recreation route' will remain in force.

The regulations and the explanatory memorandum can be downloaded from the City of Vantaa website.

Previewing the data in the service:

Coordinate systems:

  • Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879)

API address:


  • kaava:yleiskaava83
  • kaava:yleiskaava92
  • kaava:yleiskaava_2007
  • Yleiskaavayhdistelma_11012023
  • Yleiskaavayhdistelma_11012023_L1_kulttuuri
  • Yleiskaavayhdistelma_11012023_L2_luonto

Source: Vantaan yleiskaavojen yhdistelmä



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Additional information

Format WMS
Coordinate system ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879)
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 4 July 2016
Metadata last updated 8 May 2024
Created 4 July 2016
SHA256 -