Openness (Five Stars)

Datasets evaluated on Tim Berners-Lee's Five Stars of Openness - openly licensed, openly accessible, structured, open format, URIs for entities, linked.

Generated: October 6, 2024, 05:03 (UTC)


Index of all organizations

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  • Star average: 1.2
  • Total stars: 11
  • Evaluated datasets: 9 / 9
  • Star frequencies:
    Without an evaluation Stars 0 Stars 1 Stars 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5
    0 5 0 1 3 0 0
Dataset Description Stars Reason
Hallitusohjelman seurantadata 3 Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3.
Kuntasanasto (2013) 3 Content of file appeared to be format "PNG" which receives openness score: 3.
Ruotsinkielinen lakikieli (Slaf) – sanasto 3 Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3.
Valtioneuvoston asianhallinnan kohdearkkitehtuuri 0 License not open
Valtioneuvoston hankeikkuna 0 Content of file appeared to be format "HTML" which receives openness score: 0.
Valtioneuvoston hanketiedon kohdearkkitehtuuri 0 License not open
Valtioneuvoston kokonaisarkkitehtuurin toiminta-arkkitehtuuri 0 Content of file appeared to be format "HTML" which receives openness score: 0.
Valtioneuvoston päätösasiakirjat, rakenteisten asiakirjojen kohdearkkitehtuuri 2 Content of file appeared to be format "XLSX" which receives openness score: 2.
Valtioneuvoston päätösasiakirjojen xml-rakenteiden kuvaukset ja xml-rakennemääritykset (skeemat) 0 License not open