
Lääkärihinta.fi-service was released in 2015 with a goal to make health services more price transparent. With lääkärinhinta.fi you can compare the price of doctors, dentists, MRI scans and vets easily. Select a service or a symptom and a city and then the application shows you the different service providers and their prices making the comparison between them easy.

Lääkärihinta.fi uses open data from Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, and THL, Finnish institute for Health and Welfare. Open data is combined with information gathered from the service providers.

  1. 2019-12-30-184656.493733laakari.JPG
  2. 2019-12-30-184656.566274laakarihinnat.JPG
  3. 2019-12-30-184656.658744laakarihaku.JPG

Used datasets

Additional Info

Showcase website: https://laakarihinta.fi/
Published: December 30, 2020, 18:46 (UTC)
Last Updated: September 9, 2022, 12:22 (UTC)
category: ["terveys"]