This dataset provides statistics on the population of Uusimaa by native language, gender and age since 1994.
This dataset provides statistics on population of Uusimaa by main activity, age and sex as of 31.12.2001.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of Uusimaa by age group since 1961.
This dataset provides statistics on population projections used in the Uusimaa region's workplace projection.
This dataset provides statistics on persons having moved to Uusimaa by region of origin or destination, native language and age since 1999.
This dataset provides statistics on deaths in Uusimaa by age and sex since 1994.
This dataset provides statistics on live births in Uusimaa by age of mother since 1987.
This dataset provides statistics on jobs in Uusimaa (area employed) by industry (TOL 2008) as of 31.12.2007.
This dataset provides statistics on the number of people employed in the area in 1980-2017 and a projection of the number of jobs by municipality / region and by industry category in the Uusimaa regions in 2018-2035.
This dataset provides statistics on household-dwelling units in Uusimaa by number of people and oldest age as of 31.12.1994.
This dataset provides statistics on buildings in Uusimaa by purpose of use, heating method, heating material and floor area as of 31.12.2010.
Porvoon aluekohtainen ruututason väestöennuste perustuu Porvoon koodipohjaiseen ennusteeseen. Ennuste päivitetään vuosittain. Yksittäisen ruudun data ei ole käyttökelvollinen väestön ennustamiseen, mutta ruututasoinen...
Porvoon kaupunki julkistaa ostolaskujensa tiedot vuosittain tilinpäätöksen hyväksymisen jälkeen. Aineisto sisältää palvelujen ostot, aineiden ja tarvikkeiden ostot sekä muut toimintakuluostot ja avustukset...
Monthly and annual averages of air pollution, concentrations comparable to norms, maximum hour values and data on the temporal representativeness of measurements in Uusimaa.