The Quarters of Helsinki dataset has been formed from the plan units maintained by the City Survey Services, the status of which is “Valid”, as well as the attributes of the municipal register. Quarters are formed by...
The Plan units of the city of Helsinki dataset contains information on the plan units of the current detailed plans. The plan unit is the smallest unit dedicated for a particular purpose in the detailed plan. It...
The aim of the dataset is to identify potential new locations for services and operations along the Helsinki shore route. The data has been collected through an internal map survey at the City of Helsinki Urban...
Asemakaava on yleiskaavaan pohjautuva yksityiskohtainen alueidenkäytön suunnitelma, joka luo edellytykset rakennusten, katujen ja yleisten alueiden rakentamiselle. Oulun kaupungin ajantasa-asemakaava koostuu...
Digikaavoitus: Tiedolla johtaminen, kaavoitusprosessin sujuvoittaminen digitalisointi, vuorovaikutus ja läpinäkyvyys
A general plan guides the urban structure, land use and transport network of a city. It sets aside areas for housing, jobs, transport, nature conservation and recreation. Typical issues to be addressed in the general...
The dataset includes the answers to the Nice city centre for visitors survey. The data was collected between 17 September and 19 October 2014. The survey received nearly 1,800 map comments. Among other things, the...