Datasets is a joint service of the adult education centres in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Helsinki Adult Education Centre, Helsingfors Arbis, Espoo Adult Education Centre, Esbo Arbis and Vantaa Adult Education...
Väistötiloissa opiskelevat peruskoululaiset syyslukukaudella 2018. Tieto kerätty tietopyyntönä kunnille Yleisradion toimesta. Näitä asioita kysyttiin: Kuinka monta peruskoulun oppilasta kunnassanne on kaikkiaan...
The data for 2012–2017 contains data by field of study on students in curriculum-based education leading to a vocational upper secondary qualification, students in education preparing for an adult competence-based...
Number of students enrolled in the optional A2 language by school, grade and language, and the number of students enrolled in the optional B2 language by school, grade and language from 2012 onwards. The statistical...