Porvoon aluekohtainen ruututason väestöennuste perustuu Porvoon koodipohjaiseen ennusteeseen. Ennuste päivitetään vuosittain. Yksittäisen ruudun data ei ole käyttökelvollinen väestön ennustamiseen, mutta ruututasoinen...
Pääkaupunkiseudun yhteisen väestöennustejärjestelmän SAS-lähdekoodit, ohjeet ja raportit. Vantaa, Helsinki ja Espoo toteuttivat väestöennustesovelluksen vuosina 2020-2022 yhteishankkeessa, joka sai avustusta...
Väestöennuste on rakennettu mallintamaan väestön kehitystä ottaen huomioon edeltävien vuosien väestön, rakennuskannan sekä tulevaisuuden suunitellun asuntorakentamisen. Dataan sisältyy väestöennusteprojektio vuosille...
The population and the population projection of Helsinki by district.
Population projection for the entire Helsinki and Helsinki region by age (and gender) in three options and the projection for Helsinki by area. In addition, the data includes the projection of residential construction...
This dataset is updated annually. It provides time series of the most important statistics and phenomenons in Vantaa and its districts.
Statistical tables of the Helsinki by District annual publications. Helsinki by District is a statistical handbook that describes not only the history and current appearance of the areas, but also the future trend...
The population of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area by age and area on 31st December and a population projection for the coming years. Until the projection for 2019–2034, the compilation date of the population was...
This dataset provides the population of the Helsinki region 31.12.1990- and population projection -2040.
This dataset provides statistics on the population of the Helsinki region by native language 31.12.1999- and population projection -2034.
Population in the Helsinki Metropolitan area and Helsinki Region from 31.12.1979 and population projection (basic) by age and sex.
This dataset provides the population procetion of Vantaa by district.
The population of Vantaa as a whole, by major district and city district and by gender and age (0–99 years) on 31 December and population projection for the coming years. The statistical date was 1 January until...
The population of Vantaa by gender and age (0–99 years) on 31st December and the population projection for the coming years. The statistical date was 1 January until 2022. The population projection applies to...
This dataset provides the population and the population projection for Espoo by district.