Various historical maps of Vantaa. For more information on the different maps, see the Descriptions of layers list. The material can be viewed on the city of Vantaa map service: You can find the levels in the map...
Yhdistelmä voimassa olevista yleiskaavoista. Julkaistut tasot: ykaava:Erityissalue ykaava:Erityispiste ykaava:Erityisviiva ykaava:Kayttotarkoitusalue ykaava:Kayttotarkoituspiste ykaava:Kayttotarkoitusviiva...
CGI:n kokeilussa digitalisoitiin yleiskaavaprosessia, jotta olemassa oleviin kaavatietoihin olisi helppo pääsy ja ne saataisiin tehokkaaseen käyttöön metsäalalla. Tuteutettu KIRA-digi kärkihankkeen osana.
The city plan is a general plan of the organisation of land use and traffic. Helsinki’s new city plan (2016) covers the entire city, with the exception of Östersundom. The city plan is drawn up in Helsinki...
A component master plan supplements or amends the master plan for the entire municipality. The master plan is a general plan of the organisation of land use and traffic that covers the whole city. The master plan...
The Helsinki component master plans index is a combined map of the component master plans valid in the city. The purpose of the master plan is to provide general guidance on the community structure and land use of a...
The Master Plan 2002 is a general plan of the City of Helsinki for the organisation of land use and traffic that covers the whole city. A new master plan is drawn up in Helsinki approximately every ten years and it...
The building prohibitions dataset is a thematic map compiled by the City Survey Services of the City of Helsinki’s Urban Environment Division on the city’s existing building prohibition areas. An area or property may...
The dataset includes the up-to-date partition of real estate in the administrative area of the City of Helsinki and a limited set of attributes extracted from the municipal register. The following attributes have...
Kuopion WMS-palvelu on WMS-rajapintapalvelu, joka perustuu Kuopio paikkatietoaineistoihin. Palvelun tasot on jaoteltu avoimiin sekä tunnistautumista vaativiin aineistoihin. Kuopion opaskartta-aineistot, kantakartta...
A general plan guides the urban structure, land use and transport network of a city. It sets aside areas for housing, jobs, transport, nature conservation and recreation. Typical issues to be addressed in the general...