Espoon oppilaaksiottoalueet


From the dataset abstract

Boundary lines, names and identifiers of Espoo's Finnish- and Swedish-language school admission areas.

The material can be viewed on the city of Espoo map service:

Coordinate systems:

  • Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879)

API address:


  • GIS:Oppilaaksiottoalueet_suomenkielinen
  • GIS:Oppilaaksiottoalueet_ruotsinkielinen

GIS:Oppilaaksiottoalueet_suomenkielinen layer: attributes, data types and translation:

  • Info (string): Info in Finnish
  • Nimi (string): Name of the area in Finnish
  • Id (string): Id

GIS:Oppilaaksiottoalueet_ruotsinkielinen layer: attributes, data types and translation:

  • Nimi (string): Name in Swedish
  • Id (string): Id
  • Url_r (string): Hyperlink to Swedish website
  • Alue (string): Area in Swedish

Source: Espoon oppilaaksiottoalueet


There are no views created for this data resource yet.

Additional information

Format WFS
Coordinate system ETRS-GK25
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 25 January 2024
Metadata last updated 14 February 2024
Created 25 January 2024
SHA256 -