
  • alueet-ja-kaupungit

    Regions and Cities

    View Alueet ja kaupungit

    Maps, regional data (data that covers a specific geographic area)

    533 Datasets
  • liikenne


    View Liikenne

    Transport policy, means and forms of transport, public transport, walking and cycling

    476 Datasets
  • rakennettu-ymparisto-ja-infrastruktuuri

    Built-up areas & Infrastructure

    View Rakennettu ympäristö ja infrastruktuuri

    Buildings and building, roads, railroads, power grids, parks and other infrastructure

    377 Datasets
  • ymparisto-ja-luonto


    View Ympäristö

    Weather, natural environment, deterioration of the environment, waste and...

    341 Datasets