Street Names of the City of Helsinki

The dataset includes the official place names of Helsinki, i.e. the names of streets, parks and other public areas confirmed in the detailed plans. The names are in Finnish and Swedish. The names are accompanied by the naming criteria and other possible additional information, such as the previous name and changes in spelling. In addition, the data includes the names of the areas according to the administrative division of the city (city districts, city sub-districts, districts).

The dataset also contains the names of public places maintained by the City of Helsinki that have been processed by the place name committee, such as sports parks and marinas, even if they have not been confirmed in the town plan. Place names are maintained as part of the Municipal register of Helsinki (Facta system). The data are updated once a day.

Place names are designed and validated as part of the detailed plan process. The place name committee, which consists of experts in the history of Helsinki, the Finnish and Swedish languages, urban planning and urban culture, prepares the name proposals.

The dataset is updated in connection with the planning process and the work of the place name committee.

The data is available for download in several formats, including JSON, KML, CSV, Esri Shape, and XML. Available formats can always be found under OutputFormat in the GetCapabilities query for the service.

Previewing the data in the service:


  • Nimisto_piste_rekisteritiedot
  • Osoiteluettelo_piste_rekisteritiedot

Attributes of the Nimisto_piste_rekisteritiedot layer:

  • id (int) / ID (int)
  • kaava_viiteavain (int) / plan_reference_key (int)
  • kaavatunnus (string) / plan identifier (string)
  • nimi_suomi (string) / name_Finnish (string)
  • nimi_ruotsi (string) / name_Swedish (string)
  • olotila (int) / status (int)
  • olotila_selite (string) / status_key (string)
  • laji (int) / type (int)
  • laji_selite (string) / type_key (string)
  • nimeamisperuste (string) / naming criterion (string)
  • nimikategoria (string) / name category (string)
  • lisatieto (string) / additional information (string)
  • kunta (string) / municipality (string)
  • datanomistaja (string) / data owner (string)
  • paivitetty_tietopalveluun (date) / updated_to_information_service (date)
  • geom (GeometryPropertyType) / geom (GeometryPropertyType)

Attributes of the Osoiteluettelo_piste_rekisteritiedot layer:

  • id (int): Serial ID number of the dataset.
  • nimisto_id (int): ID of the place name feature to which the record relates.
  • katuosoite (string): Address name + address number in Finnish.
  • adress (string): Address name + address number in Swedish.
  • katunimi (string): Street or marketplace/square address name in Finnish.
  • gatan (string): Street or marketplace/square name in Swedish.
  • osoitenumero (string): Address number (number + lower case letter, if any).
  • postinumero (string): Postal code.
  • nimistokohteen_laji (short): Type code of the place name feature.
  • nimistokohteen_laji_selite (string): Key to the name place feature type.
  • olotila (short): Status code. Valid.
  • olotila_selite (string): Key to the status code.
  • n (integer): North coordinate (ETRS-GK25).
  • e (integer): East coordinate (ETRS-GK25).
  • lisatieto (string): Any additional information.
  • kunta (string): Municipality.
  • kaupunginosa_tunnus (short): City district number.
  • kaupunginosa_nimi_fi (string): Name of the city district in Finnish.
  • kaupunginosa_nimi_se (string): Name of the city district in Swedish.
  • pienalue_tunnus (string): Numeric identifier of the small district. Small districts do not have names.
  • osaalue_tunnus (string): Numeric identifier of the city sub district.
  • osaalue_nimi_fi (string): Name of the city sub-district in Finnish.
  • osaalue_nimi_se (string): Name of the city sub-district in Swedish.
  • peruspiiri_tunnus (string): Numeric identifier of the district.
  • peruspiiri_nimi_fi (string): Name of the district in Finnish.
  • peruspiiri_nimi_se (string): Name of the district in Swedish.
  • suurpiiri_tunnus (string): Numeric identifier of the major district.
  • suurpiiri_nimi_fi (string): Name of the major district in Finnish.
  • suurpiiri_nimi_se (string): Name of the Major district in Swedish.
  • datanomistaja (string): Owner of the data.
  • paivitetty_tietopalveluun (date): Information service record date (yyyy-mm-dd).
  • geom (geometry): Geometry of the feature (point).

More detailed descriptions of the attributes can be found in the PDF document.

Data resources

  • WFS

    Aineisto on ladattavissa useissa eri formaateissa, mm. JSON, KML, CSV, Esri...

Additional Info

Collection Open Data
Maintainer Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala
Maintainer email
Maintainer website
Links to additional information
Geographical coverage
Update frequency
Last modified 11.03.2025
Show change log
Created on 13.09.2018