Pääkaupunkiseudun jätehuollon vuositilasto


From the dataset abstract

The purpose of the waste management annual statistics report for the Helsinki metropolitan area is to present key statistics describing the volume of waste management operations. These include, for example, waste transported from HSY’s customer properties, amount of customers at Sortti Stations, waste received at Ämmässuo, etc. Some of the statistics are for one year only and some from 2013 onwards.

Please note that the calculation methods may vary slightly between the annual statistics reports. The annual statistics reports contain information from the last five years, so statistics from previous years are best available in the latest statistics report. Some of the statistics are for the most recent year only and some include data from a period of three to five years.

Statistics report tables

  • 1.1 Waste transported from HSY’s customer properties
  • 1.2 Transport contracts by municipality
  • 1.3 New joint transport contracts in 2021
  • 1.4 Emptying times by type of waste
  • 1.5 Amount of loose waste collected from properties
  • 1.6 Loose waste collected from properties in 2021
  • 1.7 Contractor shares (%) in 2021 (calculated from transport contract fees)
  • 2.1 Customer visits at Sortti Stations
  • 2.2 Customer visits at Sortti Stations by station
  • 2.3 Waste fractions accepted at Sortti Stations
  • 2.4 Waste fractions accepted in different Sortti Staions in 2021
  • 2.5 Mixed waste accepted at Sortti Stations, broken down by recovery distribution
  • 2.6 Hazardous waste accepted by the regional services unit
  • 2.7 Hazardous waste received from households
  • 2.8 Domestic hazardous waste collection points
  • 2.9 Amount of waste accepted by touring collection vehicles
  • 3.1 Waste volumes received in Ämmässuo by treatment/reception location
  • 3.2 Final-disposal waste received in Ämmässuo
  • 3.3 Waste disposed of at the Ämmässuo hazardous waste landfill
  • 3.4 Waste received at the Ämmässuo biowaste treatment plants
  • 3.5 Waste to be processed further received in Ämmässuo
  • 3.6 Contaminated soil received in Ämmässuo
  • 3.7 Waste stored in Ämmässuo
  • 3.8 Landmasses received in Ämmässuo in Ekomo cooperation
  • 4.1 Waste-to-energy plant performance
  • 4.2 Wood chips delivered for energy production
  • 5.1 Seutula closed landfill, collected/utilised landfill gas
  • 5.2 Ämmässuo landfill, collected/utilised landfill gas
  • 5.3 Biogas produced/utilised at the Ämmässuo biogas facility
  • 5.4 Electricity production in Ämmässuo

The waste management annual statistics reports can also be viewed as PDFs (in Finnish): Waste management annual statistics report 2017, Waste management annual statistics report 2018 , Waste management annual statistics report 2019 ja Waste management annual statistics report 2020.

Source: Pääkaupunkiseudun jätehuollon vuositilasto


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Additional information

Format XLSX
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 12 May 2022
Metadata last updated 4 October 2024
Created 12 May 2022
SHA256 -