Pääkaupunkiseudun väestötietoruudukko

2022 (shp)

From the dataset abstract

The population grid contains grid-based data on the population total, age distribution and occupancy rate of the Helsinki metropolitan area.

The material covers the years 1997–2003 and 2008–.

Attribute data

Information on the different variables is presented in the columns of the attribute data table. The variables in the columns include:

  • INDEX = Grid-based index number/identification number
  • ASUKKAITA = Total number of persons permanently residing in the building by grid cell.
  • ASVALJYYS = Occupancy rate indicates housing density by grid cell. The higher the occupancy rate value, the lower the density in the area.
  • IKA_X = The grid-based number of residents has been divided into nine age groups. The age groups are IKA0_9, IKA10_19, IKA20_29, IKA30_39, IKA40_49, IKA50_59, IKA60_69, IKA70_79 ja IKA_YLI80.

Each age group column indicates how many people in that age group reside in the grid cell.

The content and variable data are described in more detail on the data description form - (in finnish)..


To ensure privacy, only grid cells with a population of five or more are presented in the grid material. In terms of age distribution, the privacy limit is one hundred residents. This means that when total number of people residing in that grid cell is less than 100, age distribution is not shown and is indicated by the entry 99.

The institutional population and residents who cannot be linked to any building have been located in the lower right corner of the map (Gulf of Finland).

Coordinate system: ETRS GK-25 (EPSG:3879)

Accuracy: Population data is indicated in grid cells measuring 500 m * 500 m (250 m * 250 m in the most recent).

Source: Pääkaupunkiseudun väestötietoruudukko


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Additional information

Format SHP
Temporal Coverage -
Data last updated 26 June 2023
Metadata last updated 18 September 2024
Created 26 June 2023
SHA256 -