The data consists of the 2021 business survey implemented by the cities of Vantaa, Kerava, and Järvenpää. The data consists of the answers submitted by 91 businesses or other organizations. The data was collected on...
Twelve different cycling routes have been compiled in the Vantaa Cycling Guide. The routes provide information about Vantaa's diverse nature and history. The guide introduces nature and cultural sites along the routes...
REST interface for job vacancies at the City of Vantaa. The interface provides basic information on vacancies that can be applied for at the City of Vantaa as JSON records. More detailed information on job vacancies...
Responses to the City of Vantaa’s residential surveys for 2018 and 2020. The Vantaa residential surveys examined Vantaa residents’ satisfaction with housing, residential areas, accessibility of services and mobility....
Women in Helsinki by age (5-year) and district in 2004-.
This dataset provides information about population changes in Helsinki by district in 2003-.
Population in Helsinki by age (1 year, cumulative), sex, and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by language, age and district in 2004-.
This dataset provides data about one person househoulds in Helsinki by sex, age and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by age (5-year), language, sex and district in 2004-.
Ulkomaan kansalaiset Helsingissä kansalaisuuden sekä syntymäalueen ja sukupuolen mukaan vuodesta 2017 alkaen. Sisältää tietoja kunnassa vakituisesti asuvasta väestöstä ikäryhmittäin. Kohdejoukko ja rajaus Väestöllä...
Population and foreign people in Helsinki by citizenship, age and district in 2004-.
Househoulds in Helsinki by number of persons and district in 2004-
Other than Finnish- or Swedish-speaking population in Helsinki by age, marital status and in 2004-.
Other than Finnish- or Swedish-speaking population in Helsinki by age, sex and district in 2004-.
Population in Helsinki by age, sex and district in 2004-.
Women - Population and foreign people in Helsinki by citizenship, age and district in 2004-.
Finnish-speaking population in Helsinki by age, marital status and in 2004-.
Men - Population and foreign people in Helsinki by citizenship, age and district in 2004-.
Swedish-speaking population in Helsinki by age, marital status and in 2004-.