Number of downloads for resources

Discover selected organization's download and API request amounts on dataset level. Please note that this data only includes statistics of datasets that have been uploaded to the service.

Generated: December 4, 2024, 06:11 (UTC)


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Most downloaded resources (03.11.2024 - 03.12.2024)

Resource Downloads (past month) Last accessed date Number of API requests (datastore_search, datastore_search_sql)
in Tukes-avoindatajulkaisut
6 28-11-2024 0
Tukes-avoindatajulkaisut tiedostokuvaus
in Tukes-avoindatajulkaisut tiedostokuvaus
1 28-11-2024 0
in Plant protection products
0 0
in Chemical codes
0 0
Tukes open data publications file content...
in Tukes open data publications file content description
0 0