Avoimuus (Five Stars)

Tietoaineistot arvioituna Tim Berners-Leen Five Stars of Openness -kriteeristöllä - avoin lisenssi, avoin saavutettavuus, rakenteisuus, avoin formaatti, entiteetti-URIt, linkitys.

Päivitetty: helmikuuta 18, 2025, 16:46 (UTC)


Kaikki organisaatiot



  • Tähtien keskiarvo: 1.0
  • Tähtiä yhteensä: 22
  • Arvioidut tietoaineistot: 22 / 22
  • Tähtien jakauma:
    Arvioimatta Tähtiä 0 Tähtiä 1 Tähtiä 2 Tähtiä 3 Tähtiä 4 Tähtiä 5
    0 0 22 0 0 0 0
Tietoaineisto Kuvaus Tähtiä Reason
Espoo rakennustuotanto käyttötarkoituksen mukaan 2005- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon väestö äidinkielen mukaan 31.12.2000- sekä väestöennuste alueittain 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon väestö valtionveronalaisten tulojen mukaan 2001- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon asunnot talotyypin ja valmistumisvuoden mukaan 31.12. 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon asuntokunnat henkilöluvun mukaan 31.12. 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoo: Muuttaneet alueittain ja ikäryhmittäin 1998- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon perheet perhetyypin mukaan alkaen 31.12.1998 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoossa asuva työllinen työvoima sukupuolen ja iän mukaan 31.12.1999- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon 15 vuotta täyttäneet sukupuolen, iän ja koulutusasteen mukaan 31.12. 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon väestö sukupuolen, iän ja äidinkielen (ruotsinkieliset) mukaan 31.12.1998- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon asunnot talotyypin, hallintaperusteen ja käytössäolotilanteen mukaan 2002- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon perheväestö alkaen 31.12.1998 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoo: Syntyneet alueittain alkaen vuodesta 1998 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon väestö ikäryhmittäin 31.12.1974- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon asunnot hallintaperusteen ja huoneistotyypin mukaan 31.12. 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoo: Kuolleet 1998- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon lapsiperheet lapsiluvun mukaan (alle 18 v. lapset) 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon väestö äidinkielen ja iän mukaan 31.12.1998- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon lapsiperheet lapsiluvun mukaan (iästä riippumatta) 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoo: Työttömät ja työttömyysaste sukupuolen mukaan 31.12.2000- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon asuntotuotanto talo- ja huoneistotyypin mukaan alueittain 2005- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...
Espoon rakennukset käyttötarkoituksen ja valmistumisvuoden mukaan 2002- 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "PXWEB" does not corresp...