Avoimuus (Five Stars)
Tietoaineistot arvioituna Tim Berners-Leen Five Stars of Openness -kriteeristöllä - avoin lisenssi, avoin saavutettavuus, rakenteisuus, avoin formaatti, entiteetti-URIt, linkitys.
Päivitetty: helmikuuta 18, 2025, 19:22 (UTC)
- Tähtien keskiarvo: 2.8
- Tähtiä yhteensä: 78
- Arvioidut tietoaineistot: 28 / 28
- Tähtien jakauma:
Arvioimatta Tähtiä 0 Tähtiä 1 Tähtiä 2 Tähtiä 3 Tähtiä 4 Tähtiä 5 0 2 0 0 26 0 0
Tietoaineisto | Kuvaus | Tähtiä | Reason |
Aaltohavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Auringon säteilyhavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
FMI-ENFUSER ilmanlaatumalli | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Ilman radioaktiivisuusvalvonta | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Ilmastonmuutosskenaariot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Jäähavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Kaupunkien ja teollisuuden ilmanlaatuhavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Lämpötila- ja suolaisuusluotaukset (CTD) merialueilla | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Lentosäähavaintosanoma METAR | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Luotaushavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Mastohavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Merijääennustedata HELMI | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Meriveden korkeusennuste | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Meriveden korkeushavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Sääennustedata HARMONIE-AROME | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Sääennustedata HARMONIE-AROME - mallipinnat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Sääennustedata HARMONIE-AROME - painepinnat | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Säähavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Säähavaintojen hilamuotoiset kuukausiarvot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Säähavaintojen ilmastolliset vertailuarvot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Säähavaintojen kuukausiarvot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Säähavaintojen vuorokausiarvot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Säätutkahavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Salamahavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Taustailmanlaatuhavainnot | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. | |
Tuuliatlas 2500m | 0 | Content of file appeared to be format "HTML" which receives openness score: 0. | |
Tuuliatlas 250m | 0 | Content of file appeared to be format "HTML" which receives openness score: 0. | |
Ulkoisen säteilyn valvonta | 3 | Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3. |