Community classification - divelines 2012

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This dataset shows locations where underwater data was collected by NANNUT project during August-Sebtember 2010 and 2011 in Archipelago Sea, Kotka and Raseborg. Data was collected by diving. The dataset contains information on the occurrence of communities based on the percent coverage of plants and mussels. The communities analysed are based on the following species or groups: vascular plants, stoneworths, seagrass, bladderwrack, red algae, blue mussels/zebra mussels and mixtures of the above. Class "Other communities" does not include any of the above mentioned communities. They may harbour other communities (eg. filamentous algae or benthic fauna ) but lack or have small cover (< 10 %) of perennial vegetation. The pies show the distribution of communities on each dive transect.

Källa: Community classification - divelines 2012


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Data senast uppdaterad 15 maj 2023
Metadata senast uppdaterad 15 maj 2023
Skapad 15 maj 2023
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