Öppenhet (Fem stjärnor)

Datamängder poängsatta efter kriterierna av Tim Berners-Lees Femstjärnemodellen – öppen licens, öppen tillgänglighet, strukturerade, öppet format, enhets-URI:er, länkning.

Genererat: januari 15, 2025, 07:56 (UTC)


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  • Medeltal stjärnor: 2.3
  • Totalt stjärnor: 79
  • Värderade datamängder: 35 / 35
  • Fördelning av stäjrnor:
    Utan värdering Stjärnor 0 Stjärnor 1 Stjärnor 2 Stjärnor 3 Stjärnor 4 Stjärnor 5
    0 5 5 1 24 0 0
Datamängd Beskrivning Stjärnor Reason
Espoon 3D-kaupunkimalli 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon 3D-rakennukset 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "SKP" does not correspon...
Espoon ajantasa-asemakaava 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon asemakaavat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon aurinkoenergiakartta 1 This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "zip" relates to format "ZIP" and receives score: 1.
Espoon geoenergiakartta 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon ja Kauniaisten ortoilmakuvat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon joukkoliikennenousut 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. URL extension "gpkg" is an unknown format. Format field "GPKG" does not correspond to ...
Espoon kantakartta 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon kartta vuodelta 1958 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon kaupungin alueraportointi 3 Content of file appeared to be format "XML" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon kaupungin maanomistus 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon kaupunginosat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon kaupungin yleisten alueiden rekisteri 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon kevyen liikenteen opasteviitat 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon kiinteistöjaotus 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon korttelit 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon liikennevaloliittymät 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon liikenneväylät 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon liito-oravien lentorataradat 1 Content of file appeared to be format "ZIP" which receives openness score: 1.
Espoon luontoaineistot 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon maankäyttökartta 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon maanpinta 1 The format of the file was not recognized from its contents. Could not determine a file extension in the URL. Format field "LAZ" does not correspon...
Espoon ja Kauniaisten opaskartta 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon opaskartta vuodelta 1973 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon opaskartta vuodelta 1976 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon osoitekarttapohja 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WMS" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon pyöräilijä- ja jalankulkijamäärät 3 Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3.
Espoon rakennukset 0 File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Server reported status error: 503 Service Unavailable. Attempted on 06/01/2025...
Espoon talvikunnossapitokaluston toimenpiteet 0 File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Server reported status error: 503 Service Unavailable. Attempted on 06/01/2025...
Espoon tilastoaluejaot 0 File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Server reported status error: 503 Service Unavailable. Attempted on 06/01/2025...
Espoon verkkomalli 0 File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Server reported status error: 503 Service Unavailable. Attempted on 06/01/2025...
Espoon vesistöt 0 File could not be downloaded. Reason: Download error. Error details: Server reported status error: 503 Service Unavailable. Attempted on 06/01/2025...
Liikennemäärät Espoossa 3 Content of file appeared to be format "WFS" which receives openness score: 3.
Mun Espoo kartalla -kyselyn vastaukset 2 Content of file appeared to be format "XLSX" which receives openness score: 2.