The National Gallery's collection consists of works of art, objects and archival materials. As open data, we offer information on more than 78,000 works of art and objects, as well as images of more than 25,000 works...
The locations of crossings with traffic lights in Vantaa. The data is constantly updated. The data can be found at, which provides a link to ArcGIS service. Previewing the data: In the
Available Plots for Business of the City of Helsinki. The address of the WFS is: Data can be found in layer Vapaat_yritystontit. The address of the WMS is:...
The Sinetti archive information system operated by the City of Helsinki Archives provides collection data from archived documents of the City of Helsinki. The document collections mostly comprise permanently retained,...
You can use the address interface of Uusimaa to search for official addresses and their coordinates for the entire Uusimaa region. The interface provides the coordinates, postal code and municipality name for the... is a joint service of the adult education centres in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Helsinki Adult Education Centre, Helsingfors Arbis, Espoo Adult Education Centre, Esbo Arbis and Vantaa Adult Education...
Reaaliaikainen liikenteen sujuvuusanalyysi eli liikenneruuhkia koskevat tiedot Oulun alueen tärkeimmiltä tie- ja katuverkoilta. Analyysi perustuu sekä liikenteenhallinnan ylläpitämään valtakunnalliseen...
Oulun kaupungin ja ITM Finlandin Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla sijaitsevat liikennevaloliittymät on liitetty liikennetekniseen seurantajärjestelmään (TPM, Traffic Performance Monitoring). Järjestelmä laskee useita...
The dataset includes the land and water areas of Helsinki as geographic data features in the form of areas. Bridges and small piers have been removed from the land areas and added to the water mask. Large piers are...
News on the City of Helsinki’s website are available as open data via a RSS feed. The Helsinki City Executive Office’s Communications is responsible for the contents on the site. You can edit the content of the...
HSL Beacon API can be used to fetch a list of Bluetooth beacons that have been installed to stops and vehicles in HSL area. Beacon data can be combined with data from journey planner and realtime APIs for example to...
The Helsinki plan maps are a collection of the city of Helsinki’s valid and overturned detailed plans. The detailed plans and changes to the detailed plans create the conditions for construction. The detailed plan...
HSL OpenMaaS is an open-for-all ticket sales interface for acquiring HSL mobile tickets. The goal is to have all HSL’s mobile ticket products available via this API. The OpenMaaS API is being continuously developed...
The 3D urban data model of Espoo covers all types of features included and described in the CityGML standard, with the exception of engineering structures, such as bridges and tunnels. The 3D urban data model of Espoo...
A real-time REST interface that provides information on the parking situation in Helsinki. The interface provides the number of parking spaces currently in operation in the area concerned. The interface gathers...
The dataset includes the official place names of Helsinki, i.e. the names of streets, parks and other public areas confirmed in the detailed plans. The names are in Finnish and Swedish. The names are accompanied by... offers an open REST API interface that can be used to utilise the information about nature trails from both Helsinki and Tallinn available on the site. The contents of the website are not available in...
Suomen Partiolaisten partio-ohjelma lasten ja nuorten kasvattamiseksi.
Sisältää rajapinnat Oulun kaupungin kiinteistöjen perustietojen, lämmitystapatietojen ja käyttötarkoitusten tarkasteluun. Tiedot ovat saatavilla avoimena rajapinnan kautta 14.1.2020 saakka.
Oulun kaupungin hyvinvointipalveluiden maksamat järjestöavustukset ja lahjoitusrahaston avustukset.