Number of views for datasets

Discover statistics of the organization on dataset level. Total views include all pageviews of the specific dataset. Initial entrance includes visitors that visit the page for the first time. Downloads include all downloads of the specific dataset. Number of API requests include the total sum of API requests made on the dataset. Please note downloads and number of API requests include only statistics of datasets that have been uploaded to the service.

Generated: December 17, 2024, 05:03 (UTC)


Index of all organizations

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Most viewed datasets (17.11.2024 - 17.12.2024)

Dataset Total views Initial entrance Entrances of total views Downloads Number of API requests (package_show)
Finnish names 12499 8770 70.1% 937 1
Addresses, postal codes and WGS84-coordinates of Finnish buildings 419 309 73.7% 121 6
rakennusten-osoitetiedot-koko-suomi 181 122 67.4% 51 1
kuntaluettelo 83 65 78.3% 0 0
kuntien-ja-kuntayhtymien-palveluluokituksen-ja-palvelutietovarannon-luokittelutietojen-vastaavuudet 4 1 25.0% 2 0 Finnish Service Catalogue 2 1 50.0% 0 0
hyvinvointialueiden-palveluluokituksen-ja-palvelutietovarannon-luokittelutietojen-vastaavuudet 1 1 100.0% 1 0